The death register is not complete. It encompasses only the years 1898 through 1912, plus parts of 1913, 1922, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1931, 1933, and 1934.

-- Barry of Red Island, died 1906-10---,
cause of death "consumption", remark "Mrs. Lawrence ..."

Alphonsus Barry of Red Island, age 27, bachelor, died 1899-07-16, buried 1899-07-18,
cause of death "accidently fell over cliff and was killed"

Anastasia Barry [nee Walsh] of Red Island, age 77, died 1922-06-13, buried 1922-06-15,
attested by Adrian J. Dee

Anne Barry of Red Island, married, died 1903-12-12,
cause of death "died suddenly", attested by James McNamara

Bridget Barry of Red Island, age 0, died 1912-12-20,
remark "2-1/2 months" age at death

Bridget Barry [nee Barron] of Red Island, age 34, died 1927-08-21,
cause of death "childbirth", attested by Adrian J. Dee

Elizabeth Barry of Red Island, age 47, married, died 1902-11-11,
cause of death "bronchitis"

Ellen Barry of Red Island, age 0, died 1899-04-02,
remark "17 days" age at death

Laurence Barry of Red Island, age 78, married, died 1910-07-07,
cause of death "la grippe", attested by T.J. Gough

Laurence Barry of Red Island, age 3, died 1912-10-03

Lawrence Barry of Red Island, age 0, died 1900-12-18,
cause of death "convulsions", remark "4 months" age at death

Mary Barry of Red Island, age 13, died 1909-12-11,
cause of death "consumption"

Mary Barry of Red Island, age 10, died 1910------

Mary Barry of Red Island, age 0, died 1926-04-23,
remark "1 week"age at death, attested by Adrian J. Dee

Mary Joe Barry of Red Island, age 0, died 1909-08---,
cause of death "whooping cough", remark "4 months" age at death

Maurice Barry of Red Island, married, died 1904-09-09,
cause of death "drowning"

Maurice Barry of Red Island, age 100, died 1930-03-21,
cause of death "senility", attested by Adrian J. Dee

Patrick Barry of Red Island, age 21, bachelor, died 1904-06---,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

Selina Barry [nee Viscount] of Red Island, married, died 1899------,
cause of death "la grippe", attested by John J. St.John

Thomas Barry of Red Island, age 4, died 1898-12-25, buried 1898-12-26,
cause of death "diarhhea"

Thomas Barry of Red Island, widower, died 1900------,
cause of death "cancer", attested by John J. St.John

John Bonia of Red Island, age 23, died 1934-09-03, buried 1934-09-04,
cause of death "tuberculosis", attested by Adrian J. Dee

James Carroll of Red Island, age 18, single, died 1904-12-25,
cause of death "consumption"

James Carroll of Red Island, age 2, died 1909-08-- ,
cause of death "whooping cough", remark "2-1/2 years" age at death

John Carroll of Red Island, age 71, married, died 1906-11-29,
attested by John J. St.John

William Carroll of Red Island, age 0, died 1909-11-09,
remark "few minutes" age at death

Elizabeth Cheeseman of Red Island, age 1, died 1909-08-- ,
cause of death "whooping cough", remark "1-1/2 years" age at death

Joseph Cheeseman of Red Island, age 45, married, died 1904-12-21,
cause of death "cancer"

Anne Corcoran [nee Walsh] of Red Island, died 1903-05-15,
cause of death "kidney complaint", remark "wife of Thomas Corcoran"

Gertrude Corcoran of Red Island, age 0, died 1908-09-03,
remark "1 month" age at death

Mary Corcoran of Red Island, age 23, married, died 1908-09-23,
cause of death "pneumonia", attested by John J. St.John

Thomas Corcoran of Red Island, age 10, died 1904-08-20,
cause of death "effect of fall breaking back"

Mary Corrigan of Red Island, age 80, widow, died 1903-04-04,
cause of death "pneumonia", attested by John J. St.John

James Corrigan (?) of Red Island, age 1, died 1905------,
cause of death "burnt to death", remark "20 months" age at death

Edward Council of Red Island, age 65, married, died 1903-03-27,
cause of death "kidney complaint", attested by John J. St.John

Marianne Council of Red Island, age 58, widow, died 1906-05-15,
cause of death "consumption"

Veronica Council [nee Whiffin] of Red Island, age 20, married, died 1901-01-02,
cause of death "consumption"

Agnes Dunphy of Red Island, age 3, died 1901-06-13,
cause of death "diptheria"

Catharine Dunphy of Red Island, age 85, widow, died 1904-02---,
cause of death "old age", attested by John J. St.John

Catharine Dunphy [nee Ryan] of Red Island, age 56, married, died 1907-10-07

John Dunphy of Red Island, age 85, died 1900-02-13,
cause of death "old age", attested by John J. St.John

John Dunphy of Red Island, age 18, died 1906-02---,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

Maggie Dunphy of Red Island, age 25, married, died 1912------

Mary Dunphy of Red Island, age 18, died 1901-06-10,
cause of death "diptheria"

Rita Dunphy of Red Island, age 0, died 1908-12-28,
cause of death "diarrhea", remark "4 months" age at death

-- Greene of Red Island, age 43, married, died 1909-02-06

Joseph Greene of Red Island, age 76, died 1922-09-22, buried 1922-09-24,
attested by Adrian J. Dee

Mary Anne Greene of Red Island, age 6, died 1901-02-03,
cause of death "consumption"

James Hayward of Red Island, age 48, died 1926-04-26,
cause of death "cancer", attested by Adrian J. Dee

Anastasia Lamb of Red Island, died 1906-10-17,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

James Lamb of Red Island, died 1908------,
cause of death "consumption"

Mary Anne Lamb of Red Island, married, died 1900-04-03,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

Patrick Lamb of Red Island, age 96, widower, died 1908-03-18,
cause of death "old age", attested by John J. St.John

Patrick Lamb of Red Island, age 15, died 1908-12-21,
cause of death "accidently cut himself with axe and bled to death"

Patrick Lamb of Red Island, age 10, died 1934-07-06,
cause of death "rheumatic fever", attested by Adrian J. Dee

Patrick Francis Lamb of Red Island, age 0, died 1908-11-27,
cause of death "convulsions", remark "3 days" age at death

Peter Lamb of Red Island, age 0, died 1913-10-12,
remark "3 days" age at death

Peter Joseph Lamb of Red Island, age 0, died 1910-12-26,
cause of death "consumption", remark "2 months" age at death, attested by John J. St.John

Thomas Lamb of Red Island, age 40, died 1905-07-29,
attested by John J. St.John

Garrett Lambe of Red Island, age 52, married, died 1910-05---,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

Adrian McCarthy of Red Island, died 1930-03-25,
cause of death "tuberculosis", attested by Adrian J. Dee

Elizabeth McCarthy [nee Carroll] of Red Island, age 32, died 1930-02-10,
cause of death "pulmonary tuberculosis", attested by Adrian J. Dee

Garrett McCarthy of Red Island, age 7, died 1900-11-13

Paul McCarthy of Red Island, age 0, died 1903-05-26,
cause of death "heart disease", remark "5 months" age at death

Sarah McCarthy [nee Withers] of Red Island, age 34, married, died 1909-04-07,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

William McCarthy of Red Island, age 0, died 1900-01-30,
remark "8 months" age at death

Bridget McGee of Red Island, age 98, died 1912-10-23,
cause of death "old age"

Alice Morooney of Red Island, age 1, died 1909-08---,
cause of death "whooping cough", remark "13 months" age at death

Garrett Morooney of Red Island, age 18, died 1909-07-26,
cause of death "drowned"

Monica Morooney [nee McCarthy] of Red Island, age 48, married, died 1910-09-09,
cause of death "paralysis"

Patrick Morooney of Red Island, age 0, died 1909-08-- ,
cause of death "whooping cough", remark "1 month" age at death

Stephen Joseph Morooney of Red Island, age 0, died 1905-05-05,
remark "1 day" age at death

Gerard Mulrooney of Red Island, age 0, died 1927-08-28,
cause of death "tuberculosis", remark "3 months" age at death, attested by Adrian J. Dee

Patrick Mulrooney of Red Island, died 1911-03-27

Henry Murphy of Red Island, age 26, fisherman, died 1906-04-02,
cause of death "congestion of lungs"

John Murphy of Red Island, age 65, fisherman, died 1906-04-14,
cause of death "bowel complaint", attested by John J. St.John

Mary Murphy [nee Greene] of Red Island, age 24, married, died 1906-11-27,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

Anne Norman [nee Dunphy] of Red Island [Margary's Cove], age 75, widow, died 1904-09-21,
cause of death "rapid cancer"

Bridget Norman of Red Island, age 52, wife, died 1906-07-01,
cause of death "stomach complaint", remark "wife of Peter"

Charles Norman of Red Island, age 30, married, died 1905-01-15,
cause of death "consumption"

Michael Norman of Red Island, age 0, died 1909-08---,
cause of death "whooping cough", remark "9 months" age at death

Sarah Norman [nee Bonia] of Red Island, age 20, married, died 1909-06-21,
cause of death "consumption", attested by Father Cacciola

Thomas Norman of Red Island, age 76, died 1902-08-14,
cause of death "paralysis"

Margaret Northover of Red Island, married, died 1911-03-29,
attested by John Ashley

Thomas Northover of Red Island, age 35, died 1911-05-25,
attested by John Ashley

Joseph Pomeroy of Red Island, age 26, married, died 1907-04-19,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

Alphonsus Reddy of Red Island, age 1, died 1910-10-18,
cause of death "bronchitis"

Elizabeth Reddy of Red Island, age 0, died 1904-02---,
cause of death "bronchitis", remark "5 months" age at death

Michael Reddy of Red Island, age 63, died 1901------

Michael Joseph Reddy of Red Island, age 0, died 1907-08-05,
cause of death "accidental fall", remark "2 months" age at death

Minnie Reddy of Red Island, age 45, died 1912-07-07,
attested by John Ashley

Michael Rodgers of Red Island, age 0, died 1909-08-- ,
cause of death "whooping cough", remark "6 months" age at death

Genevieve Rose of Red Island, age 0, died 1908-04-22,
remark "4 months" age at death

Johannah Rose [nee Barry] of Red Island, age 23, died 1902-01-05,
cause of death "tuberculosis"

Leo Rose of Red Island, age 16, died 1904-06-29,
cause of death "drowning"

Marianne Rose [nee Meade] of Red Island, age 36, married, died 1909-01-02,
cause of death "child birth"

-- Ryan of Red Island, died 1901-06---,
cause of death "diptheria"

Denis Ryan of Red Island, died 1899-04-27, buried 1899-04-29,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

Denis Ryan of Red Island, age 67, widower, died 1899-12-29,
cause of death "bladder and kidney", attested by John J. St.John

John Ryan of Red Island, age 29, married, died 1900-11-24,
cause of death "consumption", attested by John J. St.John

Margaret Ryan [nee Walsh] of Red Island, married, died 1910-07-04,
cause of death "child birth", attested by T.J. Gough

Annie Walsh of Red Island, age 19, spinster, died 1908-10-18,
cause of death "bronchitis", attested by John J. St.John

Johannah Walsh of Red Island, age 74, widow, died 1899-07-08, buried 1899-07-10,
cause of death "fever", attested by John J. St.John

John Joseph Walsh of Red Island, died 1902-03-22

Bridget Webber of Red Island, age 28, married, died 1911-02-07,
cause of death "confinement"

Bridget Webber of Red Island, age 86, died 1934-10-01, buried 1934-10-02,
cause of death "senility", attested by Adrian J. Dee

Maggie Webber [nee Dunphy] of Red Island, age 23, married, died 1912

Thomas Webber of Red Island, age 55, married, died 1902-11-01,
cause of death "sudden heart disease"

James Whelan of Red Island, age 0, died 1905-06-17,
remark "11 days" age at death

John Whelan of Red Island, age 0, married, died 1899-04-20,
remark "1 day" age at death

Mary Whelan [nee Carroll] of Red Island, died 1906-09-16,
cause of death "pneumonia", attested by John J. St.John

Patrick Whelan of Red Island, age 18, died 1909-02-25,
cause of death "sore throat", attested by John J. St.John

-- Whittle of Red Island, age 0, died 1899------,
remark "1 day" age at death