. *** Navigating the LINKs.
. The pages titled "A Red Island (PB) Family Tree" encompass three types:
. 1) a summary index, 2) a main index of people, and 3) detailed family groups.
. The summary index consists of single letter links to allow easy access
. to an alphabetical list of surnames that follows. Each surname is a link
. to the first occurrance of that surname in the main index.
. The main index is divided into pages, one (or more) per surname. You can
. move backward and forward within the main index pages using the blue links
. at the top and botton of each page. The black link at the left of an index
. entry is a link to that person's primary appearance within a family box.
. The family group pages are set up as a single family per page. You can move
. forward or backward within these pages using the blue links at the top of each
. page. The blue links within the page allow linking backward to a parent's
. primary page or forward to children's primary page, thus linking generations
. together.
. Note that the blue links are those within either the indexes or the families,
. while the black links are those between the index and the families.
. Note that people who only appear at the right side of a marriage (non Red
. Island spouses) do not have links from the family groups back into the index.
. Nor are they additionally indexed by nicknames as Red Islanders are.
. Precise retracing of link navigation can be done using your browser's "back
. arrow", but be aware that this will retrace each link you have followed.