About the Red Island website
This website is a compilation of information and photographs about Red Island and the people who lived there. It's purpose is to preserve some of the history of the outport community that had existed for over 150 years until the time of the government's resettlement program in the late 1960s. The community continues to thrive today as former residents and many of the younger generation have built summer homes and the harbour is rarely without visitors.
Brian Hennessey Obituary
Brian V., 74, of Fair Lawn passed away peacefully on July 24, 2021. Born on March 20, 1947, in Yonkers, New York to the late Anastasia (nee McCarthy) and John Hennessey, he lived in Paramus, for most of his life and was a past member of the Paramus Civil Defense Rescue Squad. He received a BS in Business from Mercy College and his MBA from Long Island University. Brian was a retired AVP of Technical Services for the Bank of New York - Mellon.