. *** Instructions for use.
. Each generation is indicated by a letter, starting with "b". Since
. generations across families do not fall into any neat pattern of years,
. extra or missing generations can appear within families (for example,
. someone being older than his uncle).
. The layout of generations is centered on my grandparents, James V
. McCarthy and Julia Reddy.
. 'b' - great-grandparents of James and Julia
. 'c' - grandparents of James and Julia
. 'd' - parents of James and Julia
. 'e' - James and Julia
. 'f' - children of James and Julia
. 'g' - grandchildren of James and Julia
. 'h' - great-grandchildren of James and Julia
. 'i' - great-great-grandchildren of James and Julia
. Every person is identified by a 'line code'. This code consists of
. five characters: the first is a letter representing the generation
. (as noted above); the second is the first letter of the person's
. surname; the third through fifth are a 3-digit code, which may
. consist of letters and numbers.
. A person who initially appears due to marrying a Red Islander does
. not have his/her own line code; he/she shares the code of his/her
. spouse. An exception is made where two or more brothers/sisters
. married Red Islanders.
. Families are grouped together into 'family boxes'.
. The first line of each box starts with a line code ending with an
. 'x', indicating the range of line codes that can be within the box
. (for example, code 'cb10x' indicates that line codes cb100 through
. cb10z are assigned to this family box). If the rest of the first
. line is blank, then the people within the box may or may not be
. related (their parents' names are not known); otherwise the rest of
. the first line names the parents of the family. If a line code
. precedes a parent's name, it is a pointer back to where the parent is
. listed as a child in his/her parents' family box.
. One line is used for each child of a set of parents. It contains
. the child's own line code, birthplace code (if known), birthyear or
. 'bbbb' (if date not known), a '+' or '-', the child's full name, and
. comments. The '+-' indicates whether ('+') or not ('-') there is a
. marriage record for this child in the family box. If a child is
. known by a nickname, other than a common alteration or shortening of
. the first name (such as Min, Mae, Bill, Jim, Ellie, Kate, etc), or by
. a middle name, it appears in apostrophes as part of the name. If the
. child is known by a religious name, it appears in parentheses to the
. right of the name. The comments are generally notes when someone
. had no children or died young. A comment in the form 'D-yyyy'
. indicates year of death.
. Each child entry that has a '+' also has another entry within the
. box to detail a marriage and/or identify the parents of a child. The
. person listed first on the marriage line is the member of this family
. box. Next is the marriage year, birthyear of the oldest child, or
. 'mmmm' (if the date is not known). The name of the spouse follows.
. If a reference in the form '(also .....)' appears on the line, it
. indicates that the spouse also appears elsewhere in his/her own
. family box. An entry above or to the right of a marriage line may
. contain a birth year (B-....) and/or place of birth and/or a death
. year (D-....). Additionally, a line above a marriage may contain
. parents' names for one of the people (these parents' names do not
. appear in the index and do not count toward the name total for the
. document). The extra 'parents line' only occurs for a person who
. does not appear elsewhere as a child in a family box. If a person
. married more than once, the line code on the first marriage is
. suffixed with an 'a', the second with a 'b', etc. The line after a
. marriage may specify that the couple had no children or may point
. forward to a family box where the childrens' names appear.
. A '?' immediately following a name means that the name may be
. incorrect. A '?' alone means a name is not known.
. When there are two (or more) birth dates or birth places seperated
. by '/', it means that different records have conflicting information.
. When a name appears in the format "John E 'Edward' Jones", it means
. (in this example) that John Edward Jones was known as Edward Jones.
. When any year is immediately preceeded by a '@', it indicates that
. the year is approximate, but probably correct within one year.
. When a marriage year is immediately preceeded by a '<', it indicates
. that the marriage year is not known, but is probably not later than
. the year shown, based on the birth year of the oldest known child.
. When a birth year is immediately preceeded by a '<', it indicates
. that the birth year is not known, but is probably not later than the
. year shown. When preceded by a '>', it indicates that the birth
. year is probably not earlier than the year shown.
. When a death year is immediately preceeded by a '<', it indicates
. that the death year is not known, but is not later than the year shown.
. Method for determining '<' (no later than) birth and marriage years.
. . For a marriage year: the birth year of the oldest child.
. . For a man's birth year: the earlier of (1) 20 years before his
. marriage year and (2) his wife's birth year.
. . For a woman's birth year: the earlier of (1) 18 years before her
. marriage year and (2) 10 years after her husband's birth year.
. Method for determining '>' (no earlier than) birth years.
. For a woman's birth year: if the marriage year is unknown, her
. husband's birth year is used.
. For a child: the parents' marriage year is used.
. *** Example of how to read this document.
. cj00x Parents bj000 John Jones & Jane Smith
. cj000 bbbb + James Jones
. cj001 Red 1846 - Thomas Jones, died first year.
. cj002 Red 1848 + Anne Jones
. cj000 -> James Jones 1872 Mary Doe (also cd300)
. children -> dj00x
. cj002 -> Anne Jones mmmm Robert ? (B-1845)
. no children
. cd30x
. cd300 -> Mary Doe 1872 James Jones (also cj000)
. children -> dj00x
. dj00x Parents cj000 James Jones & cd300 Mary Doe
. dj000 Red 1874 - William Jones
. John Jones, who appears as a child in family box bj00x, and Jane
. Smith are the parents in family box cj00x. They had three children -
. James, Thomas and Anne. Two of the childrens' birthyears and birth-
. places are known. Two of the children married; the third died young.
. James married Mary Doe in 1872. Mary appears in a different family
. box (the 'also' entry), but her parents' names are not known. James
. and Mary had children, pointed to by the 'children' entry below their
. names.
. Anne married a man named Robert (born in 1845), last name unknown,
. marriage year unknown. They had no children.
. Family box dj00x is the family of James Jones and Mary Doe. It has
. pointers back to the family boxes where they appear as children
. (cj000 and cd300). William Jones (dj000) is their son, born in 1874
. on Red Island. No further information is available about William.
. *** Sample extract of a family tree.
. The diagram below is a sample extract showing the relationship of
. Katie Cummins to her great-great-great-great-grandfathers Thomas
. McCarthy and James Fagan, and her great-great-great-great grandmother
. Mary Kelly.
. Note that relatives by descent from Thomas and Mary McCarthy (bm200)
. would be, assuming equal generation levels, second cousins to James
. V McCarthy (em200), but fifth cousins to Katie Cummins (hc930).
. bm200 -> Thomas McCarthy mmmm Mary Kelly
. cm109 Red <1847 + James McCarthy
. cm109 -> James McCarthy 1863 Sarah Connor
. dm151 Red 1864 + Thomas Vincent McCarthy
. dm151 -> Thomas V McCarthy 1891 Anastasia Fitzgerald
. em200 Red 1892 + James Vincent McCarthy
. em200 -> James V McCarthy 1918 Mary J 'Julia' Reddy
. fm103 Red 1924 + Anastasia Joseph McCarthy
. fm103 -> Anastasia J McCarthy 1946 John Stephen Hennessey
. gh552 USA 1951 + Victoria Mary Hennessey
. gh552 -> Victoria M Hennessey 1975 Light Townsend Cummins
. hc930 USA 1984 - Katherine Anne Cummins
. bf100 -> James Fagan 1845 Mary Kelly
. cf100 Red 1847 + Elizabeth Fagan
. cf100 -> Elizabeth Fagan 1866 Michael Reddy
. dr102 Red 1871 + James Reddy
. dr102 -> James Reddy 1896 Mary Anne Murphy
. er200 Red 1897 + Mary Julia 'Julia' Reddy
. er200 -> Mary J 'Julia' Reddy 1918 James V McCarthy
. fm103 Red 1924 + Anastasia Joseph McCarthy
. fm103 -> Anastasia J McCarthy 1946 John Stephen Hennessey
. gh552 USA 1951 + Victoria Mary Hennessey
. gh552 -> Victoria M Hennessey 1975 Light Townsend Cummins
. hc930 USA 1984 - Katherine Anne Cummins