 . *** Kinship terminology.
 .  Great-grandparents: The grandparents of your parents; the parents of
 .   your grandparents.
 .  Grandparents: The parents of your parents.
 .  Grand-aunts/grand-uncles: The brothers and sisters of your
 .   grandparents; the aunts and uncles of your parents.
 .  Aunts/uncles: The brothers and sisters of your parents.
 .  Nieces/nephews: The children of your brothers and sisters.
 .  Grandnieces/grandnephews: The grandchildren of your brothers and
 .   sisters; the children of your nieces and nephews.
 .  First cousin:  First cousins share a pair of grandparents.  The
 .   children of brothers and sisters are first cousins.  The child of
 .   your aunt or uncle is your first cousin.  The child of your first
 .   cousin is your first cousin 'once removed'.  The child of your
 .   grand-aunt or grand-uncle is also your first cousin 'once removed'.
 .  Second cousin:  Second cousins share a pair of great-grandparents.
 .   The children of first cousins are second cousins.  The children of
 .   your parents' first cousins are your second cousins.  Your children
 .   and the children of your first cousins are second cousins.
 .  Third cousin:  Third cousins share two great-great-grandparents.
 .   The children of second cousins are third cousins.  The children of
 .   your parents' second cousins are your third cousins.  Your
 .   grandchildren and the grandchildren of your first cousins are third
 .   cousins.
 .  Fourth cousin:  Fourth cousins share a pair great-great-great-
 .   grandparents.  The children of third cousins are fourth cousins.
 .   Your grandchildren and the grandchildren of your second cousins are
 .   fourth cousins.
 .  'Step' brother/sister/father/mother/son/daughter:  Related by
 .   marriage , but not by birth.  When a person with children remarries
 .   the 'step' relationships become involved.
 .  'Half' brother/sister:  Related by birth through one parent only.
 .   When a person with children remarries and has more children, the
 .   'half' relationships become involved.
 .  'Removed' cousins:  Cousins who are descended by differing numbers
 .   of generations from a common ancestor are cousins 'removed'.  For
 .   example, the children of first cousins are second cousins, but a
 .   person is a first cousin 'once removed' from the child of his
 .   first cousin.  A first cousin 'once removed' is sometimes referred
 .   to as a second cousin.
 .   'Half' cousins:  Cousins who share a single ancestor, rather than a
 .   pair.  This is a result of ancestors being half-siblings due to a
 .   remarriage.  A 'half' first cousin is sometimes called a second
 .   cousin; a 'half' second cousin is sometimes called a third cousin.
 .  The example below illustrates the kinship among brothers and sisters
 . (full, half and step), and among their children.
 .    v---------------------v         v---------------------v
 .    v                     v         v                     v
 . Patrick & Elizabeth   Patrick & Anastasia   Garrett & Anastasia
 .         v                     v                     v
 .        Mary            Thomas---Rose              James
 .         v                 v                         v
 .      Francis           Michael                   Vincent
 .  James is the son of Garrett and Anastasia.  Mary is the daughter of
 . Patrick and Elizabeth.  Patrick's wife Elizabeth died, as did
 . Anastasia's husband Garrett.  The widower Patrick and the widow
 . Anastasia married.  Thomas and Rose are children of Patrick and
 . Anastasia.
 .  Thomas and Rose are full brother and sister (same parents).  Mary
 . is a half-sister to Thomas and Rose (same father). James is a half-
 . brother to Thomas and Rose (same mother).  Mary is a step-sister to
 . James (no common parent).
 .  Francis and Michael are first cousins 'half'; they have the same
 . grandfather.  Michael and Vincent are first cousins 'half'; they have
 . the same grandmother.  Francis and Vincent are not cousins; they have
 . no common grandparent.
 .  The example below illustrates the kinship among selected people from
 . six generations of a family.
 .                                      Thomas
 .                                         v
 .                           James------------------Elizabeth
 .                             v                        v
 .                  Julia---------------Michael       Mary
 .                    v                    v            v
 .       Anastasia----------Vincent    Christina      Norah
 .           v                 v           v            v
 . Victoria-----Patricia     Joseph      Anita        Claire
 .    v            v           v           v            v
 .  Katie       Stephie      Jeremy     Shannon       Daniel
 .  Thomas is the father of James and Elizabeth.  Thomas has three
 . grandchildren - Julia, Michael and Mary, four great-grandchildren -
 . Vincent, Anastasia, Christina and Norah, five great-great-
 . grandchildren - Joseph, Victoria, Patricia, Anita and Claire, and
 . five great-great-great-grandchildren - Jeremy, Katie, Stephie,
 . Shannon and Daniel.
 .  James is the father of Julia and Michael.  James has three grand-
 . children - Vincent, Anastasia and Christina, four great-grand-
 . children - Joseph, Victoria, Patricia and Anita, and four great-
 . great-grandchildren - Jeremy, Katie, Stephie and Shannon.  James is
 . an uncle of Mary; he is a grand-uncle of Norah; he is a great-grand-
 . uncle of Claire; and he is a great-great-grand-uncle of Daniel.
 .  Elizabeth is the mother of Mary.  Elizabeth has one grandchild -
 . Norah, one great-grandchild - Claire, and one great-great-grandchild
 . - Daniel.  Elizabeth is an aunt of Julia and Michael; she is a
 . grand-aunt of Vincent, Anastasia and Christina; she is a great-
 . grand-aunt of Joseph, Victoria, Patricia and Anita; and she is a
 . great-great-grand-aunt of Jeremy, Katie, Stephie and Shannon.
 .  Julia is the mother of Vincent and Anastasia.  Julia has three
 . grandchildren - Joseph, Victoria and Patricia, and three great-
 . grandchildren - Jeremy, Katie, and Stephie.  Julia is a niece of
 . Elizabeth; she is an aunt of Christina; she is a grand-aunt of Anita;
 . she is a great-grand-aunt of Shannon; and she is a first cousin to
 . Mary.
 .  Michael is the father of Christina.  Michael has one grandchild -
 . Anita, and one great-grandchild - Shannon.  Michael is a nephew of
 . Elizabeth; he is an uncle of Vincent and Anastasia; he is a grand-
 . uncle of Joseph, Victoria and Patricia; he is a great-grand-uncle of
 . Jeremy, Katie and Stephie; and he is a first cousin to Mary.
 .  Mary is the mother of Norah.  Mary has one grandchild - Claire, and
 . one great-grandchild - Daniel.  Mary is a niece of James; and she is
 . a first cousin to Julia and Michael.
 .  Anastasia is the mother of Victoria and Patricia.  Anastasia has
 . two grandchildren - Katie and Stephie.  Anastasia is a grandniece of
 . Elizabeth; she is a niece of Michael; she is a grand-aunt of Jeremy;
 . she is an aunt of Joseph; she is a second cousin to Norah; and she is
 . a first cousin to Christina.
 .  Vincent is the father of Joseph.  Vincent has one grandchild -
 . Jeremy.  Vincent is a grandnephew of Elizabeth; he is a nephew of
 . Michael; he is a grand-uncle of Katie and Stephie; he is an uncle of
 . Victoria and Patricia; he is a second cousin to Norah; and he is a
 . first cousin to Christina.
 .  Christina is the mother of Anita.  Christina has one grandchild -
 . Shannon.  Christina is a grandniece of Elizabeth; she is a niece of
 . Julia; she is a second cousin to Norah; and she is a first cousin to
 . Vincent and Anastasia.
 .  Norah is the mother of Claire.  Norah has one grandchild - Daniel.
 . Norah is a grandniece of James; and she is a second cousin to
 . Vincent, Anastasia and Christina.
 .  Victoria is the mother of Katie.  Victoria is a great-grandniece of
 . Elizabeth; she is a grandniece of Michael; she is a niece of Vincent;
 . she is an aunt of Stephie; she is a third cousin to Claire; she is a
 . second cousin to Anita; and she is a first cousin to Joseph.
 .  Patricia is the mother of Stephie.  Patricia is a great-grandniece
 . of Elizabeth; she is a grandniece of Michael; she is a niece of
 . Vincent; she is an aunt of Katie; she is a third cousin to Claire;
 . she is a second cousin to Anita; and she is a first cousin to Joseph.
 .  Joseph is the father of Jeremy.  Joseph is a great-grandnephew of
 . Elizabeth; he is a grandnephew of Michael; he is a nephew of
 . Anastasia; he is a third cousin to Claire; he is a second cousin to
 . Anita; and he is a first cousin to Victoria and Patricia.
 .  Anita is the mother of Shannon.  Anita is a great-grandniece of
 . Elizabeth; she is a grandniece of Julia; she is a third cousin to
 . Claire; and she is a second cousin to Joseph, Victoria and Patricia.
 .  Claire is the mother of Daniel.  Claire is a great-grandniece of
 . James.  She is a third cousin to Joseph, Victoria and Patricia.
 .  Katie is a great-great-grandniece of Elizabeth; she is a great-
 . grandniece of Michael; she is a grandniece of Vincent; she is a first
 . cousin to Stephie; she is a second cousin to Jeremy; she is a third
 . cousin to Shannon; and she is a fourth cousin to Daniel.
 .  Stephie is a great-great-grandniece of Elizabeth; she is a great-
 . grandniece of Michael; she is a grandniece of Vincent; she is a first
 . cousin to Katie; she is a second cousin to Jeremy; she is a third
 . cousin to Shannon; and she is a fourth cousin to Daniel.
 .  Jeremy is a great-great-grandnephew of Elizabeth; he is a great-
 . grandnephew of Michael; he is a grandnephew of Anastasia; he is a
 . second cousin to Katie and Stephie; he is a third cousin to Shannon;
 . and he is a fourth cousin to Daniel.
 .  Shannon is a great-great-grandniece of Elizabeth; she is a great-
 . grandniece of Julia; she is a third cousin to Jeremy, Katie and
 . Stephie; and she is a fourth cousin to Daniel.
 .  Daniel is a great-great-grandnephew of James; and he is a fourth
 . cousin to Jeremy, Katie, Stephie and Shannon.
 .  Anastasia and Vincent are first cousins once removed to Anita; they
 . are first cousins twice removed to Shannon; they are second cousins
 . once removed to Claire; and they are second cousins twice removed to
 . Daniel.
 .  Christina is a first cousin once removed to Victoria, Patricia and
 . Joseph; she is a first cousin twice removed to Katie, Stephie and
 . Joseph; she is a second cousin once removed to Claire; and she is a
 . second cousin twice removed to Daniel.
 .  Norah is a second cousin once removed to Victoria, Patricia, Joseph
 . and Anita; and she is a second cousin twice removed to Katie, Jeremy,
 . Stephie and Shannon.