Issued in 1910 to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the first attempt at permanent English settlement in Newfoundland, at Cupids. John Guy was the settlement's first governor.
Except as noted, other values have descriptions incorporated within the designs.
King Edward VII died while the stamps were in preparation, so an added value when the newly crowned King George V was added.
The 1c John Guy stamp was printed by lithography, in a double sheet of 200 stamps. The transfer sheet used to place the images on the printing plate was creased, causing errors, including the two best known, the "Nfwfoundland" and the "Jamrs", both shown here. Each error occurred on 1 of every 200 stamps printed.
The 2c Coat of Arms is that of the London and Bristol Company, which financed the settlement attempt.
On the original image at left, the 'Z' of "COLONIZATION" is reversed, which was then corrected as seen on the image at right.