Argentia RC - Death register summary by cause of death

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As noted elsewhere, the parish Death register is incomplete. It covers only the years 1899-1912, plus parts of 1922, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934.

There are 544 records.

 126  -unspecified cause-
   1  ?????? fever
   1  Bright's disease
   1  abscess
   1  abscess in thigh
   2  accident
   1  accidental fall
   1  accidently burnt with pitch
   1  accidently cut himself with axe and bled to death
   1  accidently fell over cliff and was killed
   1  accidently killed by coal shute falling on his head
   1  acute nephritis
   1  apoplexy
   3  asthma
   1  at birth
   1  bad leg
   1  bladder and kidney
   1  blood poison
   1  bo?m fever
   4  bowel complaint
   1  brain disease
   8  bronchitis
   1  burnt
   2  burnt to death
   8  cancer
   6  child birth
   1  childbirth
   3  cold
   1  colic
   2  confinement
   1  congestion of lungs
  91  consumption
  13  convulsions
   6  debility
   2  decline
   1  diabetes
   1  diarhhea
   5  diarrhea
   1  diarrhea ?
   1  died suddenly
   3  diphtheria
   4  diptheria
   1  dispepsia
   7  dropsy
   8  drowned
   2  drowned at Cape Shore
   1  drowned near Boston U.S.A.
   8  drowning
   1  effect of fall breaking back
   1  enteritis
   3  fever
   1  fistula
   2  gastritis
   1  gastroenteritis
   1  heart complaint
  10  heart disease
   1  heart failure
   1  heart failure, death sudden
   1  heart trouble
   1  indigestion
   1  intestinal trouble
   1  intussuscaption of bowel
   1  jaundice
   2  kidney complaint
  14  la grippe
   1  liver complaint
   2  lost in woods
   1  lupus
   3  measles
   2  neuritis
  23  old age
   1  p??s disease of spine
   9  paralysis
   5  pleurisy
   9  pneumonia
   1  pneumonia ?
   7  premature birth
   1  puerperal fever
   2  puerperal mania
   1  pulmonary tuberculosis
   1  rapid cancer
   1  rheumatic fever
   2  rheumatism
   1  scarlatina
   1  scarlet fever
   1  senile debility
   2  senile decay
   4  senility
   2  sore throat
   1  spinial disease
   1  stenosis of esophagus
   1  stomach
   2  stomach complaint
   2  stomach disease
   1  stricture of bladder
   3  sudden
   1  sudden heart disease
   2  suddenly
   1  suddenly from heart failure
   1  summer complaint
   1  tetanus & tuberculosis of bone
   1  tubercular peritonitis
  33  tuberculosis
   1  tuberculosis peritonitis
   1  typhoid fever
   2  ulcer of stomach
  21  whooping cough
   1  worm fever
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